Forced Compliance
The latest decree coming out of Washington should send warning signals all across the nation. There are very disturbing signs and indications that the Covid-19 vaccine rollout could very well be a horrendous disaster. If these forced mandates of this covid-19 experimental drug by government, sanctioned by the CDC, endorsed by many businesses, hyped by the media, and encouraged by many of the public continues would constitute a crime against humanity.
The Inner Child's PerspectiveThis article examines the perspective of the inner child, the result of the early need to spiritually flee and escape upbringing danger. it discusses the inner child's origins, its existence in the very parents that necessitated it, its manifestations, and the re-parenting methods necessary to alleviate it.
Relationships: Can Childhood Trauma Cause Someone To Lose Themselves Around Others?Although someone will be an individual, with their own needs and feelings, when they are around others they could have the tendency to lose touch with these inner aspects. As a result of this, they will act more like an extension of others.
6 Issues Which Impact Real Estate House Pricing!Since, we are currently, experiencing, an historic period, regarding the ever - increasing, prices, many houses, seem to be selling, for, some people, seem to think, this is the way, the real estate market, always is, rather than considering the bigger = picture! In fact, historically, this market, often, fluctuates, sometimes, proceeding, as a sellers - market, while, at other times, as a buyers, or neutral one! Although, over time, the price of houses, has kept up with, and, even, slightly exceeded, inflation, there is no consistent trend, as to how this occurs!
CLIMATE Change Denials, Don't Make It, Go Away!Regardless, of the politics, involved, and, what, some, populist leaders, tend to articulate, the reality, and probable dangers/ ramifications, of CLIMATE change, are, real, and, unless/ until, we demand, they focus on addressing this, sooner, rather than later, we may not be able to pass - along, a sustainable planet, to future generations! If, you were paying attention, you should realize, when any politician, seems to put any personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self - interest, and or economic greed, ahead of the greater good, we all, eventually, lose! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review,...
Why A Leader's Actions Must Be TIMELY?Perhaps, more than any - single aspect/ concept, when a leader resorts to procrastination, it, often leaders to destroying the ability to lead, in any meaningful, relevant, sustainable manner! Only, when someone has the nerve, and the knowledge/ understanding, to proceed, in a well - considered, TIMELY way, rather than taking a path of perceived, lesser - resistance, will he maximize his potential, and ability, to serve as an effective leader, and make a difference, for the better! After, over four decades, of personal involvement, in, nearly, everything, related to effectively, leading, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing, and consulting to...
A Wonderful LifeCan we make ourselves happy? We certainly try, don't we?
Can Reading or Writing a Poem Soothe Your Soul? Try It and See!*** Understand how your mind processes what occurs, in daily living, through the power of words. A writer or poet is able to gain immediate understanding by realizing that their words, once spoken, no longer have the power that hidden words once had over their emotions or intuitive perceptions. Sometimes your poem will take on a lifeform of its own. Spoken and read from the heart and soul through the emotive energy of words is the main purpose of poets. Most of the poets that I have met became poets after years of working through painful memories that were too hard to process without using the many art forms available. Pain, shame, blame or disdain will NOT GO AWAY unchallenged. Authorize pain and hurtful memories to go away by addressing the need to be understood, soothed or forgiven. Do this without challenging yourself. Revaluate your pain into something greater; to be used as a service/learning and teaching opportunity for the indemnification of humanity. Writing and rhyming is a calling to share discernment, and/or to deliver messages of joy, peace entertainment or happiness.~.
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