Tuesday, September 21, 2021

BIG Bitcoin Dump to $42K (Beginning of Bearish Trends?)


Can A Mother-Enmeshed Man Experience A Conflict Between His Thoughts And Feelings?

For as long as a man, who is entangled with his mother, is not aware of the fact that he is this way, he is likely to be out of touch with most of his needs and feelings. By being this way, he will have no trouble being there for his mother and focusing on her needs.

Hallelujah... She's Baaaaack

I have learned that you don't miss something until it is gone. Unfortunately, sometimes, it's too late. Over six weeks ago, or was it nine months, I took my truck in for a regular checkup. I was going away for the week, so I thought I would drop the truck off and let them work on it when they had time, and then when I come back, it would be ready. I love it when a plan comes together? My family went up to Georgia for a family reunion. It was also a time to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary. Time goes by when we're not really focused on what's happening. That's me to a T. I took it in on Monday, then we left for our family reunion, and on Tuesday, the machine shop called me with some rather sad news. The engine in my truck was just about finished. So I had a choice of getting a new engine or buying another truck.

When Does Being Successful Look Like to You?

Many of us regard academic results and earning potential as important markers and measures of success but they're only part of a many-faceted picture. In reality, success has many faces.What does being successful look like to you?

Why Your Thoughts And Feelings Are The Voices Of Your Unconscious Beliefs

When was the last time you paid attention to your thoughts? I mean, really noticed your thoughts without judgement? Here's the thing: most people are oblivious to their thoughts because it is like a crowded freeway in their mind, where drivers are asleep at the wheel. This is what many people experience with their thoughts. The noise is overwhelming, so they ignore their thoughts. However, this is a problem because if we are unaware of our thoughts, how can we trust what we think, let alone trust ourselves to communicate truthfully?

Mother-Enmeshed Men: Is A Mother-Enmeshed Man Emotionally Underdeveloped?

If a woman was to end up in a relationship with a man who is emotionally entangled with his mother, she could struggle to understand what is going on. It could seem strange as to why a grown man is so focused on his mother.

What's the Number 25 Reason You Can't Find Love?

The number 25 reason you can't find love is one that can be changed over night. As children, the adults in our lives set us up to fail in relationships. When you look at the divorce rate, you see I am not exaggerating. When you look at the amount of relationships that will never make it to marriage, you see most people have failed their relationships before they start. Why??? You better believe I'm going to tell you.

Why It's So Hard To Have FAITH In Public Officials?

It is, concerning, although, not - surprising, nearly - every, public opinion poll, indicates, the majority of Americans, hold their elected officials, and public leaders, in, somewhat - low, esteem! Why should we have FAITH, or trust and believe, these individuals, when so - little, of a constructive, productive, nature, seems to get achieved, in any type of timely manner? When, the world, as well as this nation, is confronted, with the most horrific pandemic, in, at least, a century, instead of agreeing, in a bi - partisan way, for the best, expert - based, approach, and path, to proactively, address this,...

The Real Truth About Fixed Index Annuities In A Bear Market

But what has the market done and what was the average return from the beginning of the stock market. Well, let us investigate the truth, believe it will be a real eye-opener. We have had a bear market about every seven years, except for the current run of the bulls.


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