Thursday, November 17, 2022

Rogues' Memories - Adventures with Rex Wotton

Memories of Adventures in Barbados. Rex Wotton was among the most   unforgettable Rogues in Paradise. He had a woderful sense of fun and used it to win over every situation. 

As an example: Once when somebody tossed a beverage at him, he promptly disposed of the materials of a wine cooler over their head. On another occasion, when mocked by a comic that made a saucy remark about him, he returned the disrespect by stealing away the comics' legendary green bowler hat. Straight past protection and the doorman, he walked with a defiant air and his seductive smiling chuckle.

He was a commanding highly energetic man at 5.8 foot, well built, with ruffled, light-brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Never fond of formal exercises; he did not run, jog, or do any formal exercise

This was his method: He would not let much escape him and always returned any disrespect with a dual dose of the very same, however, covered with humour.

Find out more at the like here

barbados adventures

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