Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Bitcoin Is NOT DEAD! (#1 Way I Know FOR SURE)


The Richard Donchian Rule Will Make You a Better Trader

Even after more than 30 years, the Richard Donchin 4-week rule continues to be one of the most consistent strategies in existence to make profits. You should include this strategy in your trading toolbox to increase your successful trades.

Why Should You Trade in Cryptocurrency?

The modern concept of cryptocurrency is becoming very popular among traders. A revolutionary concept introduced to the world by Satoshi Nakamoto as a side product became a hit. Decoding Cryptocurrency we understand crypto is something hidden and currency is a medium of exchange. It is a form of currency used in the block chain created and stored. This is done through encryption techniques in order to control the creation and verification of the currency transacted. Bit coin was the first cryptocurrency which came into existence.

Should I Use My Own Charts or a Forex Expert Advisor?

Even though most experienced trader use charts and their own developed strategies, the question remains to all other traders: Will a Forex Expert Advisor help me with succeed as a trader? As explain below, the answer lies somewhere in the middle.

How to Use Leading and Lagging Indicators to Drive Your Profits

There are two types of technical indicators: leading and technical indicators. Every oscillator and indicator fall in one of these two categories. By knowing how to use these two types of indicators to compliment each other, you can become a more profitable trader.

How to Use the Relative Strength Index to Make You a Better Trader

By knowing the 4 RSI cycles you will increase your profits when trading the markets. Although this article is using currencies as the base, the same principles can be applied to stocks and other commodities as well.


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